
Write to us via coordinator@iwck.org or visit our Facebook page

The International Women’s Club of Kyiv (IWCK) was founded in 1992 by a small group of expatriate women in the newly independent Ukraine.
We now invite people of any gender to join our club. Our members are people who have relocated to Ukraine for work, partners of diplomats and some Ukrainians with a role in Kyiv’s international community who feel connected to the goals of IWCK (The IWCK Charter allows us to have up to 20% of Ukrainian members). 
We are both a social community, and a charitable organization, and our members take part in both aspects of our club.



Steering Committee
Elizabeth Kourkov
Elizabeth Kourkov

Originally from the UK, I have lived in Kyiv since 1988 and have been a member of IWCK for many years, serving as President between 2014 and 2017 and again this IWCK season. I am a teacher and translator and my husband is the Ukrainian author Andrey Kurkov. We have three adult children, all living in Kyiv at the moment.

I value IWCK as an organization that supports ex-pats like me and involves us in charitable projects that improve the lives of vulnerable people in the local community.

Head of Communication
Vivica Williams
Vivica Williams

I have 12+ years in communications, and have lived in Ukraine since 2010. I am an experienced and passionate editor, writer, and storyteller with a very diverse background. I have worked as a news anchor for UATV, a communications and content manager for a healthtec company, and an editor for the UN, Save Pets of Ukraine, and other organizations.

I am adept at developing and delivering truly meaningful content, while building strong relationships. I love translating into words the passion people have for what they do. I also enjoy creating inspirational work environments, and delivering truly meaningful projects.

In my free time, I indulge in reading science fiction and taking my cat on adventurous nature walks.

Head of Charity
Regina Kerkhof
Regina Kerkhof

I am Regina Kerkhof, member of IWCK since 2021.

Last year I was elected as Head of Charity and I would like to continue this role.

Me and my husband live in Holland and I am working as a compulsory education officer with investigative powers, in a school for refugee children. Besides that I give training courses at elementary schools as a certified Rock and Water trainer/coach and NLP Practitioner.

I have a Bachelor of Social Work. In the past I worked 7 years for Salvation Army and 7 years for a mental health organization. Also I volunteered for a refugee organization and at an elementary school in a class for (Ukrainian) refugee children.

Member of Board of Overseers
Chrisna Groenewald
Chrisna Groenewald

After one year of military service, I obtained a BA-Law Degree from the University of Johannesburg. I also had the wonderful privilege to travel the world as a Flight Attendant for 5 years. Travelling expanded my views and opinions in a significant way and left me deeply intrigued and respectful of all the beautiful cultures and people of our world. It also exposed me to life's injustices and the hardships of too many people. As a young mother, I made a conscious decision to dedicate my life in service of those less fortunate.

In 2007 l started my journey in the NGO sector in South Africa where I gained immeasurable experience and skills as a frontline worker. I also had the immense opportunity to establish and manage a Not For Profit Organisation, Lesedi la Batho (www.lesedilabatho.co.za ; https://www.facebook.com/LesediLaBatho).

I have recently returned from a posting in Kyiv, Ukraine as the spouse of the Ambassador of South Africa.

During our posting, I completed two terms as president and one term as secretary of the IWCK Steering Committee.

Mila Stupnikova
Mila Stupnikova

I'm Mila Stoupnikova, the current Treasurer at IWCK. I'm a US citizen and have been living in Ukraine off and on for about 7 years now.

Many years ago I served full-time in the Americorps. Wanting to continue to volunteer globally, I later moved to Kyiv to teach English. I planned to only stay for 8 months but fell in love with the people, culture and country.

I am happily married now to a Ukrainian and enjoy hobbies such as reading, horseback riding, traveling and cycling.

I worked in corporate Finance for over 10 years and am happy to serve as the Treasurer at IWCK for a third year.

Head of Membership
Yumi Terajima
Yumi Terajima

I am from Osaka Prefecture, Japan.

I worked for Panasonic in Japan for seven years and handled International Relations/Logistics. I have been living in Eastern European countries as a expat for more than 22 years, and it includes living in Ukraine for 11 years.

Before full scale of russian invasion to Ukraine started, I taught Japanese language to Ukrainians.I am currently working at a Polish Cosmetic Company in Warsaw.

Member of Board of Overseers
Helen Garbuz
Helen Garbuz

Hello, my name is Helen Garbuz, and I am originally from the United States. I have lived in Kyiv since 1998 and have been an IWCK member since 2009. I served on IWCK's Steering Committee from 2015- 2018 as Secretary after a few months as Head of Membership. I also served several years on the Charity Committee.

More recently, I have been a Member of the Board of Overseers since 2022.

I am married to a Ukrainian and have two children at Kyiv International School. In addition to being a mother, I also grow organic fruits and vegetables marketed through "Helen's Veggies."

IWCK has meant a lot to me over the years, from providing support as I learned to be a full-time mom to providing growth, challenges and professional development opportunities.