Upcoming events
Singing group

IWCK ONLINE SINGING GROUP: WEDNESDAYS 13.30 Kyiv time (to be confirmed)   This Group is for all members of IWCK who enjoy singing. Singing is wonderful exercise!  It helps develop good breathing and posture and it is very relaxing. We spend 10 – 15 minutes warming up our voices and then 40 minutes singing through our repertoire, occasionally learning new pieces and chatting, of course!  […]

Food Delivery

Next Food Delivery will be organized on November 11th (left bank) and November 15th (right bank).

How to manage yourself well in uncertain time?
Workshop on how to manage yourself well in uncertain time?

The workshop is for you if you often ask yourself one of the following questions: • How to increase the manifestation of such a life as you want? • Do you sometimes feel a lack of energy due to the fast pace of life? • Do you want to how to easily restore your magnetic […]









General Meeting
Charity events
Food delivery
Social events
General Meetings

IWCK has a General Meeting once a month (offline when possible and online if necessary) for all members. In our GMs we improve our knowledge and understanding of Ukraine, discuss our charitable work for those in need, and we get to know and support each other in a social context.  You can sign up for membership and meet our Steering Committee, our current members, and others new to Kyiv like yourself. Our interest group leaders will be available to provide information about all the interest groups we’re running this year.


Our General Meetings are open for anyone who is interested in joining IWCK. This means that any non-member can join one General Meeting for free. You can continue visiting General Meeting without purchasing a membership for a fee of 200 UAH per GM.


IWCK regularly organizes tours and special activities for its members. Together we will discover Ukraine and surrounding areas and reveal their secrets.


Become a member and join our closed Facebook group to learn more about all our tours and upoming events. During this COVID period we organize most activities outside and of course we follow all precautionary measures.

Courses / Workshops

In parallel with the regular interest groups, IWCK periodically organizes special courses and workshops open to all its members. The topics can be very varied and we are open to all your suggestions.

Social Events

Social events are an important part of IWCK life. Because IWCK is primarily a community, we are trying to create many opportunities for our members to meet and share. We do this online and offline whenever possible. We meet on terraces for drinks and food, we go on boattours and much more. Contact hospitality@iwck.org for more information.

Charity Events

Our charitable work is a core part of IWCK. 2021 we must again cancel our annual huge bazaar. Instead, we will have few smaller events as a Charity walk, an Art Auction, a Food basket auction, a Women’s brunch, an International Food festival. Any other ideas are welcome. These events are dedicated to one or two specific NGOs. All collected funds are invested in projects financed by IWCK to help vulnerable groups all over Ukraine. Those events are also a good opportunity to meet people.